Hey there, marketers! In this whirlwind digital world we're living in, grabbing the attention of your target audience is like trying to catch a butterfly with your bare hands (trust me, it's not easy!). So, how do we make sure your audience doesn't drift off into dreamland while reading your content?

Well, I'm stoked to dive into the heart of a strong narrative and spill the beans on the three mighty pillars of rock-solid external communications and media relations. We're going to give your content a breath of fresh air and make it so captivating that your audience can't help but fall head over heels for your brand.

So, come along for a wild ride filled with priceless tips on weaving a tale that really hits home with your audience. Don't let the chance slip away to establish your brand's presence and leave your rivals eating your dust. Let's get this party started!

The Importance of a Strong Narrative

As marketers, we all know that creating a compelling narrative is essential for building a strong brand. It's what sets us apart from the competition and creates a lasting impression on our target audience. Successful startups have long understood the power of storytelling and a strong brand narrative in driving engagement, generating demand, and building reputation.

Picture this: at the top of the funnel, building reputation and engagement through media relations, eye-opening insights, and thought-provoking opinion pieces is absolutely crucial. This concoction helps create a one-of-a-kind identity for our brand that resonates with our audience like their favorite tune. Focusing only on the bottom of the funnel and building demand is like playing with fire – we run the risk of being seen as just another face in the crowd. But fear not! A compelling narrative can swoop in like a superhero, providing clear differentiation and crowning our brand as a leader in our industry.

Pouring resources into building reputation and engagement is like planting a seed that'll grow into a mighty tree in the long run. Armed with a powerful narrative, our sales team can ditch the price talk and focus on what truly matters: the undeniable value of our brand. This revs up demand, boosts sales, and ultimately creates a brand that resonates with our audience and propels growth. So, let's get those creative juices flowing and craft a narrative that tells a story, builds a reputation, and drives demand like never before!

Three Pillars of Effective External Communications

In Episode 16 of the "Interesting B2B Marketers" podcast (trust me, it's a must-listen), Maneesh Sah, the brains behind Rave Marketing Partners, lets us in on the secret recipe for building an external communications and media relations model that works like a charm. Maneesh hammers home the importance of spinning a compelling tale around a company's capabilities and giving their leaders a human touch to forge a deep connection with the audience.

Now, get ready for the grand reveal: Maneesh's model for top-notch external communications and media relations is built on three mighty pillars – capability narrative, character narrative, and building networks. So, buckle up, and let's dive into each of these pillars to discover how they can help you weave a brand narrative that's hard to resist!


Let's talk about the first pillar of building a powerful narrative: showcasing your company's superpowers! To pull this off like a pro, you need to weave a captivating tale around the smarts of your subject matter experts. By dishing out commercial insights and nudging your audience to think beyond their pesky pain points, you'll spark a sense of excitement and endless possibilities that keep them hooked.

An irresistible capability narrative should fire up your audience to stretch their limits and think outside the box when it comes to their business. By flaunting your company's expertise and offering fresh takes on industry challenges, you'll stake your claim as a thought leader and build a rep for being an innovative and creative trailblazer. So, go ahead and dream big – share your company's capabilities with the world. With the right game plan, you can inspire your audience and fuel growth for your business like never before!


As a B2B marketer, it's essential to humanize your company's leaders through the use of a character narrative. This means going beyond their titles and sharing their personal stories and experiences with your audience. By doing so, you can build a powerful connection with your customers and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

For example, one CEO recently shared their personal experiences, aspirations, disappointments, and failures in a leading local business publication in Singapore. This approach helped to build a strong character narrative and connect with readers on a deeper level. Don't be afraid to showcase the human side of your leadership team and share their stories with the world – it can help to establish trust and drive business results.


One great example of this comes from Maneesh at Rave Marketing Partners. By leveraging their three-pillar model, Maneesh and his team were able to secure interviews with tier-one channels for their overseas CEOs, including global outlets like BBC and CNN. This helped to establish thought leadership and amplify their brand's reach.

Of course, great content is also essential for building networks. By publishing opinion pieces under your leader's byline in top publications, you can engage senior business decision-makers and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. But it's not enough to simply create content and hope for the best – you also need to actively engage with your audience on social media and establish a strong online presence. Think of it like making friends at a party – you need to put yourself out there and start conversations if you want to establish thought leadership and build your network.

Crafting a Compelling Story

Crafting a story that resonates with your audience is key to modern-day marketing. To do this effectively, marketers need to possess strong writing skills that can be honed through consistent practice and refinement.

Marketing leaders should consider administering a writing test to ensure their team can create compelling stories. By identifying gaps in writing skills and providing constructive feedback, marketers can improve their storytelling abilities. In addition, it's essential to use storytelling effectively across multiple formats, including social media posts, not just in long-form content.

To become a media powerhouse, marketers must adopt a journalist's mindset and act like publishers. This requires curiosity, the ability to ask the right questions, and the creation of content that resonates with the audience. By utilizing social media tools, marketers can publish content regularly, increasing their reach and amplifying their message.

Compelling storytelling isn't just a concept; it's a proven strategy used by many successful brands. Nike's "Just Do It" campaign encourages people to push their limits and achieve their goals, while Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign personalizes their products and creates an emotional connection with consumers. By improving their writing and storytelling skills, marketers can build stronger relationships with their audience and drive business success.

Creating a Narrative That Sets Your Brand Apart

Crafting a compelling brand story is more crucial than ever in today's fast-paced digital landscape. As marketers, we must create a strong narrative that captivates our audience and sets us apart from our competitors.

In this article, we explored the three pillars of effective external communications and media relations, which include showcasing our company's capabilities, humanizing our leaders, and building networks to amplify our reach and establish thought leadership. We also discussed the importance of refining our writing and storytelling skills to become effective storytellers, whether in long-form content or social media posts.

Many successful brands, such as Nike's "Just Do It" campaign and Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign, have used storytelling to connect with their audience and drive business success. By following the three pillars and honing our writing and storytelling skills, we can craft a compelling story that builds reputation, drives demand, and ultimately leads to business growth.

In conclusion, as marketers, we must invest in crafting a compelling brand story that resonates with our audience and sets us apart from our competitors. By continually refining our skills and following the three pillars, we can build a strong brand narrative that drives growth and leaves our competitors in the dust.

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